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Pastoral Plan - “Envisioning Our Future”

Help Us Shape the Future of Parishes and Schools in Chippewa Falls

November 2022 Pastoral Plan Update

PRA Long-Range Facilities Master Plan -October 2022

To view the May 25, 2022 PRA Community update, CLICK HERE.

Pastoral Plan - Winter 2022 Update (pdf)

Pastoral Plan FINAL - Fall 2021 Update (pdf)

   Pastoral Plan FINAL - June 2021 (pdf)

A final meeting for was held Wednesday, June 2, 2021. You can view the live stream recording below: 

     Recording of meeting

     Results from survey

     Pastoral Plan DRAFT - May 2021 Update (pdf)

One of our greatest hopes for the future is that the Church in Chippewa Falls will grow and thrive. Since last October, all the parishes in Chippewa Falls and MACS have been involved in a process to plan for the future. There have been site visits, meetings with parish and school leaders, and studies of area-wide, school and parish data. A report on the key findings and observations, with possibilities for the future, are completed and made available here and at the meetings.

     Pastoral Plan DRAFT - April 2021 (pdf)
Final meeting opportunity to discuss and give input to this document. Please attend one of the three parish options of in person or virtual listed. (See right column for dates, times, meeting agenda, and virtual Zoom links for each site.)

     Chippewa Falls Area Planning Update #1 - March 8, 2021 (pdf)

     Key Findings and Observations Report

     ComparativeInsite Report

     FullInsite Report

Please look to the right side column of this page for parish location, date, time, and registration to attend a second meeting coming this spring. 

The initial report was presented and parishioners had an opportunity to help shape a future plan. Please join us for a second opportunity for “Envisioning Our Future” event.

Prayer to Our Lady of the Falls

We fly to you, O Lady of the Falls, 
Mother of this City and of the whole Church,
That all our efforts would begin with the inspiration of the Holy Spirit
And continue with His good Help and yours.

We especially entrust to you
The care of the New Evangelization in Chippewa Falls,
The sanctification of all its people,
And the direction of all its apostolates, most especially our Catholic schools.

Obtain for us this grace, for which we already express our gratitude:
That this pastoral plan would find its origin in Him, 
Through Whom all things are possible, 
And by Him, be brought to fruitful completion.

With the intercession of St. Charles Borromeo, all our patron saints and guardian angels,
And St. Joseph, patron of our Diocese and protector of the Universal Church, 
Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

November 29, 2020 | 1st Sunday of Advent

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I write to make you aware of a new joint initiative between our three city parishes of Notre Dame, St. Charles Borromeo, and Holy Ghost, along with MACS.  With the permission of Bishop Callahan, we have decided to hire Meitler Consultants, Inc., a Catholic consulting firm from the Milwaukee area, to help us invest our resources wisely and to bring about a new evangelization in Chippewa Falls.  

Our deepest desire is to most effectively use all the spiritual and temporal resources we have to spread the Gospel and grow Christ’s Church here in our local community.  In the coming years, our community will be facing significant decisions regarding facilities, especially for our schools.  While enrollment is promising, with 8% growth in 2020-21, many of our current parish-owned facilities are not sustainable without significant maintenance to major systems.  These are questions of equal importance for our parishes as well.  As parishes, we want to know how we can together more effectively serve our community.   In order to develop a plan for how to best utilize our personnel and temporal resources, and be good stewards of what we have, we realized that we needed some professional expertise that we did not have ourselves.  Meitler brings with them years of experience in consulting schools, parishes, and dioceses, including recent work for the Diocese of Green Bay.

For the next seven months, Meitler will be conducting a study of our parishes and schools, including our ministries, programs, staffing, buildings and grounds, as well as taking into consideration community demographics, statistics and trends.  They will also be conducting interviews with parishioners, faculty and staff.  Perhaps you might be asked to participate in some capacity along the way.  It is our hope that the conclusions of Meitler’s study will provide us with good recommendations to make confident decisions going forward for our parishes and school system together.

The three parishes and MACS have agreed to split the cost of this consulting work four ways.  Please pray for the success of this endeavor, and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to speak to me, Fr. Kizewski, Msgr. Gorman, our school system president, Mrs. Molly Bushman, or our Education Commission chair, Mr. TJ Proue.

May God bless you,

Fr. Jesse Burish
Dean, Pastor of Notre Dame

Meitler Consultants

Envisioning Our Future

Meeting opportunities
for Parishioners and MACS Families to attend.

Focus on the Pastoral Plan DRAFT.
Choose any date or option below.

The Church of Notre Dame
117 Allen St., CF
Rectory 715.723.7108

Holy Ghost
412 S Main St., CF
Rectory 715.723.4890

St. Charles Borromeo
Tuesday, April 20
6:00-8:00 PM
Virtual only
Agenda and Zoom Link
810 Pearl St., CF Rectory 715.723.4088