Support MACS
Make a Difference for Our Students Today
Thank you for your interest in supporting our schools! Click on the resources below to learn more about how you can make a difference today.
A.B. McDonell Vision Fund
The A.B. McDonell Vision Fund is the cornerstone of all fundraising for McDonell Area Catholic Schools. Without it, MACS would not be able to keep its doors open as tuition does not cover the full cost of educating a student at MACS. Please consider making a difference in our students' lives today! Give today.
Become a Corporate Sponsor
The McDonell Area Catholic Schools' Corporate Sponsorship Program gives local businesses the opportunity to partner with our school in a unique way that provides brand exposure across all major MACS events while positively impacting our students' spiritual, intellectual, physical, and moral formation through an excellent Catholic liberal arts education and vibrant student life of discipleship, athletics, and the arts. Corporate sponsorships are valuable options for companies interested in supporting the Mission of McDonell Area Catholic Schools and in reaching MACS families, fans, and supporters throughout the school year. For more information, please see our Become a Corporate Sponsor page.
Fundraising Events
One of the core values at MACS is community. With this in mind, we created two fundraisers to connect our students and families with our community and put the fun back into FUNdraising! Learn more about how you can attend one of our events and support our Catholic schools at the same time.
Planned Giving
Planned gifts include securities, retirement plans, or life insurance policies naming the school system as a beneficiary. Learn more about how to leave your planned giving today.
Volunteer Opportunities
There are other ways to give other than monetary value! Volunteer time = $$ for our schools. Learn more about our countless volunteer opportunities today!
Scrip is business gift cards purchased from local and national businesses who sell them to MACS at a discounted rate. For instance, when you purchase a $25 Scrip card from one of our retailers, you receive a card worth $25 but the school purchased them at a discounted rate (ranging from 2% to 10%). Learn more about the win-win benefits of Scrip today.
Fundraising Policy
View Fundraising Policy PDF (Short)
A multi-phase plan that financially and responsibly meets the needs of ongoing programs, establishes protocols for expanding and increasing programs, attends to donor fatigue, preserves the image of MACS, and decreases the burdens of current families, staff, and students all while maintaining the quality of the amazing programs MACS has.
1. Streamline fundraising for McDonell Area Catholic Schools
2. Maintain and increase positive donor relations with stakeholders
3. Create proper fiscal & stewardship oversight without dictating program outcomes or stifling creativity
4. Support new and ongoing program growth
Donate TODAY

Amber Leibrandt, Advancement Director

Start listening to MACS's official podcast, Mack Chat to listen first hand from our students, faculty, and staff how they are living out the MACS Mission!
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