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Admissions - Why MACS?

Discover a Future of Excellence

Thank you for your interest in McDonell Area Catholic Schools. Preparing students to be future leaders in our community and our Church is our highest priority. Our goal is to assist students in becoming well-educated Catholic Christian adults who have heaven as their goal. We thank all the people who support us in our mission and invite you and your family to become part of our community.

Please review the welcome message from President Molly Bushman to find out how we combine the Catholic faith and reasoning to flourish the whole child in our faith-based education. We hope to get in touch with you soon!


To hear from our teachers, students and parents in the MACS family, please listen to the video below to learn first-hand the MACS difference in 3K - 12 Catholic education!  

As a Catholic Liberal Arts school with programming and accreditation from the Wisconsin Religious and Independent Schools Accreditation (WRISA), we believe that instruction should encompass the Catholic faith and provide students an education that has heart.

Guided by the Catholic intellect, our curriculum combines reason and faith to discover what is good, beautiful, and true. We can never truly know ourselves until we know Christ, leading students to authentic freedom and to flourish fully as a human being.

View our Why MACS? brochure for an overview of MACS:


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