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Planned Giving

What is Planned Giving?
Planned gifts help ensure that the educational and spiritual mission of McDonell Area Catholic Schools (MACS) will continue into the future.  Individuals can use their estate plan and other gifts to donate to MACS. An individual need not be of a particular age or income to make a planned gift and leave a legacy. The gift provides tax advantages to the donor and may require the input of a financial advisor or attorney. MACS is not able to provide legal or financial advice.
Important note: “Chippewa Area Catholic Schools” should NOT be designated as a beneficiary.  

How can I make a planned gift to McDonell Area Catholic Schools?

  • Planned giving may take the form of a bequest in the donor’s will or estate plan designating “McDonell Area Catholic Schools, Inc.” as a beneficiary.  The estate plan may state a specific dollar amount or percentage of the estate gifted to the school system.
  • The McDonell High School Foundation is another option to consider supporting MACS. Individuals choosing to have their funds endowed in perpetuity have the option to designate “McDonell High School Foundation, Inc.” as a beneficiary.  All funds are invested and distributed with controls in place to ensure prudent stewardship.
  • Planned gifts may also include gifts of securities, retirement plans, or life insurance policies naming the school system as a beneficiary.

“For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.”
                                                                           Matthew 6:21


Planned Giving Brochure 

Amber Leibrandt
Advancement Director 

❄️School Cancell