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Fine Arts Boosters

The Fine Arts Booster Club is composed of all MACS parents and fine arts teachers. We serve the entire MACS community and are committed to maintaining financial resources and creating an ensemble of volunteer resources in order that the MACS music and art teachers can provide academic excellence.

In alignment with the MACS mission, the Fine Arts Boosters act as Servant Leaders by being committed to the growth of people to their fullest potential through their participation in the arts and by providing MACS students the opportunity to explore the music and arts through a chorus of opportunities.

Oh come let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!” Psalm 95:1

Our Vision: As Servant Leaders, Fine Arts Boosters are committed to making the world a better place by sharing our musical gifts within our community, by providing musical praise in worship in our schools, churches and within our community. In support of the whole child and in the spirit of academic excellence, we are committed to bringing fine arts to the entire student body through musical performances, concerts and art shows from professionals within our community and abroad.

Fundraising Policy

View Fundraising Policy PDF (Short)

A multi-phase plan that financially and responsibly meets the needs of ongoing programs, establishes protocols for expanding and increasing programs, attends to donor fatigue, preserves the image of MACS, and decreases the burdens of current families, staff, and students all while maintaining the quality of the amazing programs MACS has.

1. Streamline fundraising for McDonell Area Catholic Schools 
2. Maintain and increase positive donor relations with stakeholders
3. Create proper fiscal & stewardship oversight without dictating program outcomes or stifling creativity
4. Support new and ongoing program growth


Meets second Wednesday of every month from 7:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.



Angela Maloney President

Sara Giza                      Treasurer, Craft Fair Co-Chair

Eileen Van Den Heuvel Secretary

Missy Klemke                Secretary, Craft Fair Co-Chair