Education Commission
Purpose of the Education Commission
The Commission is established by the Chippewa Falls Dean to assist him and MACS President through consultation in the governance of the education program.
Approved Meeting Minutes (all pdf)
August | September | October | November | December | January | February | March | April | May
August | September | October | November | December | January | February | March | April
Governing Board Meeting Dates Notification The McDonell Area Catholic Schools Education Commission is available two times a year for students or parents currently attending or applying to MACS for the following school year. This time is specifically set aside for students and parents to meet and communicate with the members of the governing body. The first listening session for the 2023-24 school year was Thursday, October 19, 2023 and the second listening session is scheduled for Thursday, May 16, 2024, 5:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m. in the Notre Dame/McDonell library. There is no need to RSVP and you may show up at this time with your questions or comments. The next available listening session after the May meeting will be October 2024.
Collaborative responsibilities include:
Long Range Planning
Policy Formation
Finance, Facilities, and Technology
Advancement and Public Relations
Setting and evaluating annual Commission goals
Consultation and Information Sharing
MACS Administrators - Ex-Officio
Mrs. Molly Bushman, President
Mrs. Mary Huffcutt, Dean of Academic Affairs and Accreditation
Very Rev. Jesse D. Burish, Dean of Chippewa Falls Deanery
Mr. Scott Sokup, Controller
Mr. Eric Wedemeyer, Middle-High Principal
Mr. Jerry Smith, Elementary Principal
Relationship with other groups:
Administrators (President, Vice President, Principal(s), Directors of Parish Religious Education)
Central Office Staff
Parish Pastoral Council(s)
Parish Finance Council(s)
Parent Organization(s)
La Crosse Diocese
2023-24 Priests residing within Chippewa Falls
Very Rev. Jesse D. Burish, Chippewa Falls Deanery Dean, Church of the Holy Ghost & St. Bridget & Notre Dame
Rev. Brandon Guenther, Deanery Clergy Representative, Church of the Holy Ghost & St. Bridget & Notre Dame
Chaplain, Rev. Alex Kren, Associate Pastor of St. Charles Borromeo & St. Peter the Apostle
Msgr. Michael Gorman, St. Charles Borromeo & St. Peter the Apostle
All supporting parishes
The commission meets the third Thursday of the month with the exception of July. Meetings start at 5:30 p.m. in the McDonell Library/Media Center.
To address the commission please give a 20 day notice.
715.723.0538 x3301
Andy Shakal
St. John the Baptist Bloomer
Vice Chairperson
Chad Brady
Holy Ghost
Chippewa Falls
Tamara Bahaty
Holy Cross Cornell
Erin Brick
Holy Ghost Chippewa Falls
Mike Crawford '88
Notre Dame Chippewa Falls
Matt Elstran
Notre Dame Chippewa Falls
Scott Siegenthaler
Notre Dame Chippewa Falls
Justus Busse
St. Charles Borromeo Chippewa Falls
Regina (Regi) Geissler
St. Charles Borromeo Chippewa Falls
TJ Proue '02
St. Charles Borromeo Chippewa Falls
Victoria Silvas St. Paul
Diane Herron St. Peter the Apostle
Tracy Bormann
St. Bridget Springfield
Brian Eslinger
All Saints Parish Stanley
Open Position
Sacred Heart Jim Falls
Frederick Blair
Ben Siegenthaler