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Notre Dame Middle School

Welcome to MACS

Our Notre Dame Middle School consists of grades six through eight. We are part of the long tradition of quality Catholic liberal arts education located in Chippewa Falls. Our faculty and staff appreciate and embrace the wonder of the God-given uniqueness that comes with this age of students. A middle school student experiences change and growth and this time is a very important transition period between elementary and high school.  

During this stage in their educational journey, students often ask “Why?” Our faculty and staff help guide students to deduce conclusions rather than have them provided. We want students to develop the critical skill of logical thinking and reasoning, giving them the tools they will need to answer their own ultimately “Why?” question…truth in the person of Jesus Christ.

At Notre Dame Middle School, students also develop community-building skills to not only develop their own leadership abilities but to help seek out leaders with each other. This community building can be seen in their multigrade Care and Share groups, Socratic seminar discussions, group projects, athletics, student council and ambassador program. 

Schedule a Visit

2023-24 Handbook

Eric Wedemeyer


Notre Dame Middle School (Grades 6-8)
1316 Bel Air Blvd.
Chippewa Falls, WI

Office Hours
7:15 AM - 3:45 PM

Building opens to students
7:20 AM

School Hours
7:50 AM - 3:30 PM

❄️School Cancell