Carol Way MACS Unsung Hero
Being the new guy at McDonell I am not readily in-tune to those who have made an impact on our students and community and are leaving a legacy to follow. I relied on our veteran staff to help me and asked their direction in choosing our “Unsung Hero”. The reply from our staff was swift and decisive, “Carol Way.” My research to why she was the choice of our staff has given me an appreciation for her ability, commitment, perseverance and desire to practice her passion.
Carol Way was an art teacher for McDonell for 26 years. Julie Pomietlo, teacher at McDonell, stated the following in regards to Carol. “Carol was the established art teacher at McDonell when I started teaching there and she took this greenhorn under her little wing and mentored me in to the confident art teacher I am today, 21 years later. Her patience with my initial attempts to get organized as a novice teacher was limitless, and I continue to see her work her teaching magic with the students who make up the annual play. She is most deserving of this honor!”
Long time McDonell teacher Steve Roesler stated, “Carol spent 26 years while on staff doing the sets for the play. Since she has retired she has continued in that role and has been a constant for 36 consecutive years. She was an integral part of getting the Heyde Center going, donating lots of time and talent.
While a teacher she did hours of calligraphy for athletic and fine arts awards. Everything always done with a smile and cheery personality.”
Carol’s friend of over 50 years, Peggy Nehring truly enjoyed when her son was in plays at McDonell in the 90’s as both a stage hand and actor. She appreciated Carol for recognizing student talent and abilities and drawing it out of them. She built many of those students towards leadership positions as stage manager. Many of those students return after graduation to help with plays. She also is impressed with Carol’s ability to take on the challenge of looking at the restraints of a stage and through multi-screening, backdrops and the use of technology create a professional set. Peggy is also grateful to Carol for her artistic ability and drawing the cover for her mother’s book, Bits and Pieces of a Small Town.
Barb Lowe who used to teach in our school system and works with Carol at the Heyde Center stated, “While flipping through my husband’s University of Eau Claire yearbook (old yearbook), I discovered two things about Carol. She married Jerry for his last name. It was probably tiresome having to spell out and pronounce Czarnezki. There was also a picture of the homecoming queen (Carol) welcoming everyone to the game. Welcoming people would come natural to Carol, being in the limelight, probably not. Welcoming is a good word to describe Carol. Notice how everything about her presence is just that, gracious, sincere, warm, and beautiful, inside and out.
Upcoming graduate and Carol’s stage manager this past year for the production “Big the Musical”, Peter Stoffel, stated, "Mrs. Way is truly the nicest lady with whom I have had the pleasure of working. She is kind, caring, and compassionate while always looking out for others without expecting any reward or recognition for her hard work. Mrs. Way is most deserving of being awarded the Unsung Hero Award."
Carol your dedication and hard work have not gone unnoticed in the McDonell Community. You have touched the lives of many and made a lasting impact. You are truly the master of what you do.
Thank you Carol from all of the MACS Community.
Brian Schulner, Principal
McDonell Central Catholic High School
Notre Dame Middle School