We believe music education is an integral part of a complete education which fits the core values of the MACS system, offering expression of faith, honor in music liturgy, excellence in performance, holistic living through song, community and servant leadership through sharing our music ministry. Music engages people in objective, subjective, symbolic, and concrete aspects of human experience. Music education improves learning in other subjects.
Quality Music Education:
- develops aesthetic awareness and sensitivity;
- provides a source of enjoyment which enhances the quality of life from early experiences through adulthood;
- provides a means for creativity and self-expression;
- provides a sense of history and cultural heritage;
- provides opportunity for visible success and achievement in the school and
- develops life skills for work and personal success;
- makes the school and community a more pleasant place to learn, work, and live;
- increases the satisfaction derived from music throughout life; and
- increases understanding of other cultures through music.*
*Some excerpts are based on WMEA’s music philosophy